Barbecue Sauces from Sunset’s Barbecue Book, 1938
Barbecue for a BIG pit barbecue from Sunset Magazine:
Barbecue Sauces from Sunset’s Barbecue Book, 1938: Sunset Magazine published what I believe was the first-ever cookbook on barbecuing, in 1938. The first half of the book is “Barbe-Construction,” edited by George A. Sanderson. The second half, “Barbe-Cookery,” was edited by Virginia Rich, and it was the actual cookbook. Here are four sauces from that cookbook, the standard barbecue sauce, what Rich callsbarbecue from the 1930s and Sunset “Circle J Barbecue Sauce,” plus herb barbecue sauce for lamb and a sauce for venison.
Of course we have the cookbook. See it here: https://www.vintagecookbook.com/product/sunsets-barbecue-book-1938-1949/
Sunset’s Barbecue Book, published in 1938 by Sunset Magazine, San Francisco, California. The first half of the book is “Barbe-Construction,” edited by George A. Sanderson. The second half, “Barbe-Cookery,” was edited by Virginia Rich. This is our first cookbook with building blue prints! The first printing was in December, 1938. In 1945, the cookbook was revised and enlarged, although Sunset didn’t call the subsequent printings “revised.” This copy is from the thirteenth printing, 1949. Wood-look hard covers. Solid binding. 71 pages. Thumb indexed. All about siting and building the barbecue, as well as the history of the barbecue. Then, of course, great recipes. Near mint condition. Some shelf wear at the cover’s edges and on the spine cover. Definitely gift quality. A very unusual present!