Creative Cakes, 1978, Stephanie Crookston, First Edition: Hard cover book with 135 pages. Written by Stephanie Crookston, owner of the Creative Cakes store in New York City. She opened the store in 1974. The book was published in 1978 by David Obst Books/Random House, New York. Stated first edition. Mint condition with no dust jacket. Definitely gift quality.
The cookbook describes the supplies you will need to make decorated cakes, the basic techniques of cake decorating, recipes for a wide variety of cakes, and detailed instructions–along with diagrams–for 16 cakes, including an artist’s palette cake, a train cake, a sneakers cake, a baseball mitt cake, a sculptured bunny cake, a flat bunny cake, a Johnson’s baby powder cake, a heart-shaped cake, a tennis racquet cake, a tennis racquet cake, a spring bonnet cake, a clown cake, a t-shirt cake, a typewriter cake, a hamburger cake, and a Christmas tree cake. Crookston includes a chapter on thinking creatively and another on the cakes she has created for famous people.
At we try to provide you with your mother’s cookbook! I know lots of current recipe bloggers write proudly that their recipes are “not from your mother’s cookbook.” We think the recipes in your mother’s cookbook provided food that was nutritious and warm and colorful and just plain yummy! We know that just looking at the cover of your mother’s Woman’s Home Companion Cook Book makes you feel good. Holding her Betty Crocker Cookbook, or her Better Homes and Gardens, or Good Housekeeping Cookbook in your hands is better than nostalgic. And cooking some of those dishes for your children will pass on a great tradition.
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