Betty Crocker’s Step-By-Step Picture Cookbook, 1975, 1983: The Foreword says, “This collection of blue-ribbon recipes was selected from the Betty Crocker Step-by-Step Recipe Cards to bring you a happy mix of traditional and contemporary cooking. It’s as old-fashioned as stuffed cabbage and as up-to-date as stir-frying.” Hard cover, over-sized cookbook with lots and lots of how-to images. 320 pages. Coypright 1975 by General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Published by Golden Press, New York, New York. This copy is from the 1983 second printing. It is in near-mint condition. The corners of the cover are bumped. Pages are all clear and clean. Binding is perfect. I think this cookbook was never used.
At we try to provide you with your mother’s cookbook! I know lots of current recipe bloggers write proudly that their recipes are “not from your mother’s cookbook.” We think the recipes in your mother’s cookbook provided food that was nutritious and warm and colorful and just plain yummy! We know that just looking at the cover of your mother’s Woman’s Home Companion Cook Book makes you feel good. Holding her Betty Crocker Cookbook, or her Better Homes and Gardens, or Good Housekeeping Cookbook in your hands is better than nostalgic. And cooking some of those dishes for your children will pass on a great tradition.
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