
Doomed Rabbit: Recipes from the Leather Community and Friends, 1994, Very Difficult-to-Find



Doomed Rabbit: Recipes from the Leather Community and Friends, 1994, Very Difficult-to-Find: Cookbook with text by Aubrey Hart Sparks. Published by Eros Publishing, Seattle, Washington, in 1994. Stated first edition. Paperback with metal comb binding. 191 pages. “Proceeds . . . will help the civil rights of lesbians and gays.” Book’s cover is shop worn, but the pages are all in mint, never used condition.

These recipes are arranged by the time of day. The appetizers sound especially luscious: Killer Guacamole, Drama Prawns, Mushrooms Rockefeller. There are wonderful soups, lots of entrees Durk’s Notoriously Lemon Chicken, Sadistic Curried Chicken. And the appetizers! I’d love to try Nurse Rachet’s Insulin Shock Brownies.


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