
On Sale

Thimble Club: Choice Collection of Cherished Recipes, 1937, First Edition, Second Edition

Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $38.75.


Thimble Club presents its Choice Collection of Cherished Recipes, 1937, First Edition, Second Edition:  Collection of recipes assembled by the Thimble Club, a group of sixteen women organized in 1895 for charitable work in Manchester, New Hamphire.  Cookbook was first published in June, 1937.  This copy was published in November, 1937, as part of the second printing.  The cookbook begins with cocktails and canapes and ends with preserves and pickles.  It has 290 pages of recipes and 26 pages of local advertising, plus blank pages for recipes and the index.

The condition of this cookbook is rather strange.  It has a wire spiral binding that is in perfect condition, and all the recipe pages are clean and clear.  However, the cover has come completely off the binding and is attached only with a rubber band.  The title page is partially disconnected, and it has tattered edges.  So, the front of this cookbook is a mess.  The bulk of it is in perfect condition and is very useable.  Some of the recipes are bound to be unique.


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