
Sunset Barbecue Cook Book, 1950, 1957



Sunset Barbecue Cook Book, 1950, 1957: This Barbecue Cook Book, written by the editorial staffs of Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine, is, as it says in the forward, “the lineal descendant of the first book ever published on home barbecuing–the Sunset Barbecue Book of 1938.” A large paperback book (never published in hardback) it begins with teaching the reader how to shop for the best barbecue meats. Then, it goes through methods for cooking outdoors: broiling, roasting on a spit, skewer cooking, smoke cooking, and firepit cooking. It includes, of course, recipes to use with each method. There’s also a chapter with barbecue accompaniments: casseroles, salads, breads, relishes and side dishes, and savory butters.

Don’t forget to click on “Recipes” at the top of the homepage. You’ll find one great recipe from many of the great antique and vintage cookbooks, AND from the great vintage cocktail books or mixing guides, not to mention from the great vintage aphrodisiac cookbooks.
And don’t forget to click on “Recipes” at the top of the Homepage. You’ll find one great recipe from many of the great antique cookbooks and bar books.


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