Champagne Cocktail from Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies Companion, 1941, 1949
Champagne Cocktail from Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies Companion, 1941, 1949.
Yes, we have the bar book. See it here:
Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies Companion, 1941, 1949: Cocktail guide written by Crosby Gaige and published by M. Barrows and Company Incorporated at the Fireside Press, New York. First published in 1941, this copy is from the 1949 printing. Clever drawings are by Rea Irvin and the Foreward was written by Lucius Beebe. The dust jacket has only minor dings, and it is now safely encased in Mylar The book has 323 pages, every one and clean and clear. The hinges and binding are perfect. This book is in perfect condition. A great gift for the right person!
Gaige wrote with a light=hearted tone. His subject matter was New York society and the people in his crowd. He weaves the cocktail recipes in with the tales. The last portion of the book is devoted to “The Seven Ages of Women:” Baby’s Breath, Sub Deb, Debutante, Wedding March, Papa Loves Mama, Black Widow. and Dowager Duchess. (None of them are kind to women. Remember, this was the 1940s.) Cocktail recipes are part of each section. The cocktails are part of the stories he tells about New York and New Yorkers. Students of history, especially of New York history, will seriously enjoy this book.